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What are the forms of advertising?

Advertisements come in many forms, each with its own characteristics.

Some of the common forms of advertising are listed below:

1、Print ads: such as magazines, newspapers, posters, flyers, brochures, etc.
2、Television advertisement: short advertisements broadcasted between TV programs.
3、Radio ads: Audio ads broadcast on radio stations.
4、Outdoor advertising: such as buses, subway ads, large billboards, LED displays, etc.
5、Online advertising: such as banner ads, video ads, pop-up ads, native ads, social media ads, etc.
6、Mobile advertising: ads for mobile devices such as cell phones and tablets.
7、Content marketing: engaging target audiences by creating valuable content, such as blogs, videos, podcasts, etc.
8、Social media advertising: ads posted on social platforms such as Weibo, WeChat, Facebook, Instagram, etc.
9、Interactive Ads: Ads that encourage user participation and interaction, such as online game ads, augmented reality ads, etc.
10、Search Engine Ads: Ads such as Google Ads or Baidu Promotion that are displayed when users enter keywords into a search engine.
11、Direct Mail Ads: Promotional items, samples or coupons that are mailed directly to consumers.
12、Sponsorship: A company provides financial support for an activity, sporting event or charity in exchange for brand exposure.
13、Spot advertising: advertisements placed in specific locations in stores, supermarkets, movie theaters, etc.
These are just some of the forms of advertising, which continue to evolve and innovate as technology advances and markets change.